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Welcome to DerrickEarl the website! We specialize in Audio Engineering, but you can also find the many services that we offer. Services like: Photography, Graphic Designing, Music & Visual Production, Music Consulting and more! We also create custom clothing via

Urchin Wear Clothing. All of our work is done with passion. We take great pride in maintaining satisfied customers. Check us out, leave us a review! 


It will never lie to me, never betray or deny me.

Got me questioning myself, why me?

Why a dude from the hood, a young boy gone street, with a variety of hood actions not good?

Behind all that, you still manage to hold me down, allowing me in a constant to reveal my enter, express my exterior threw the bytes of your existence...

You are everlasting, FOCUS!

Thah Paper Poet, that's that merch...

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© 2024  Slab 7 Media LLC

designed by derrick for slab 7 media

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